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Classified Association

Enable Listing owners to be able to associate specific Classifieds with their listings.

eDirectory Classified Association

Link content in the Classifieds section of your directory to a specific listing to better connect your site’s content. Help listing owners build their brands and keep their related information organized. This feature will allow a listings owner’s classified listings to be displayed through a dedicated tab on the detail page of their listing. A link back to their business listing will also be available on each of their Classified listings.

Connect content across your directory
More targeted classifieds through listing association
$149 (one-time payment)


* Available for purchase for versions prior 11.0.05 only. FREE with recent website launches!

In the sitemgr area, the site administrator will be able to set how many classifieds each Listing level can have.

eDirectory Classified Association
eDirectory Classified Association

Based in the level chosen when adding a new listing, the sponsor will have the ability to associate multiple classifieds to their corresponding listings.

On the Listing Detail page, there will be a section called "Classifieds", which will display the active classifieds associated and a link "View All Classifieds" which will forward the user to the Classified Results page that is filtered by listing/sponsor.

eDirectory Classified Association

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