Webinar: Meet the New eDirectory Version 13.5

Meet the New eDirectory v13.5!

Yesterday, we hosted an exciting webinar to introduce eDirectory 13.5, and it was packed with insights about the latest features and improvements. Whether you missed the webinar or want a quick refresher, here’s a summary of everything we covered.

What’s New in eDirectory 13.5?

Ideal Solution for Membership Sites

eDirectory 13.5 is designed to be the perfect solution for membership sites. With new features and enhancements, managing memberships and content has never been easier.

Levels and Plans are Now Products & Plans

One of the significant changes in this version is the rebranding of the Levels and Plans feature to Products & Plans. This new naming convention better reflects the versatility and functionality of the offerings.

More Billing Cycles

eDirectory 13.5 introduces additional billing cycles, providing greater flexibility in managing subscriptions and payments. Whether you prefer monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual billing, you now have more options to choose from.

Bundling Options

Another exciting feature is the introduction of bundling options. You can now create bundles of products and services, offering your members more value and increasing your revenue potential.

Gated Content (Paywall)

To enhance the value of your content, eDirectory 13.5 includes gated content functionality. This paywall feature allows you to restrict access to premium content, ensuring that only paying members can view it.

Member Restricted Content & Paywall

With the new member-restricted content feature, you can now gate your content effectively. This means that only members who have paid their membership fees can access premium articles, videos, and other valuable resources. This feature not only helps you monetize your content but also ensures that your members receive exclusive access to high-quality material.

Products & Plans

The revamped Products & Plans feature is a game-changer for managing listings, classifieds, and events. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Up to 10 Products for Listings, Classifieds, and Events: You can now offer up to 10 distinct products, giving your members more choices and enhancing their experience on your platform.
  • Unlimited Plans: There are no limits to the number of plans you can create, allowing you to tailor your offerings to meet the diverse needs of your audience.
  • New Billing Cycles: With the introduction of new billing cycles, you have greater flexibility in setting up payment schedules that work best for you and your members.
  • Bundling Options: The ability to bundle products and services adds significant value for your members and opens up new revenue streams for your business.

WEBINAR: Meet the New eDirectory Version 13.5


eDirectory 13.5 is packed with powerful features that make it the ideal platform for membership sites. From the enhanced Products & Plans to the new billing cycles and bundling options, there are plenty of ways to improve member experience and increase your revenue. The introduction of gated content and paywalls ensures that your valuable content is protected and monetized effectively.


This session was recorded on Jul 17th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at marketing@eDirectory.com and don’t forget to join our Facebook group.

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Meet the New eDirectory v13.5!

Meet the New eDirectory v13.5!

We are excited to announce the release of eDirectory v13.5, a major update packed with new features and game-changing membership options for our clients. This version brings significant improvements to our platform, making it more versatile and user-friendly. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new and what’s changed in this release.

What’s New

Combination of Modules and Levels Now Called Products

In this update, we’ve redefined the combination of modules (listings, events, classifieds, banners, and articles) and levels as “Products.” This change simplifies the way site owners can manage and offer these elements to their users, providing a more cohesive and streamlined experience.

Manage Levels & Pricing Updated to Products & Plans

The Admin section for managing levels and pricing has been fully revamped and is now called Products & Plans. This update includes:

Manage Products


  • Customizable Product Types: Site owners can create up to 10 types of products for listings, events, and classifieds.
  • Paywalled Content: Products can be defined to be available exclusively for subscribed members, enabling paywalled content.

Manage Plans


  • Unlimited Plan Creation: Site owners can create unlimited plans to advertise products on the website.
  • Free Trials: Plans can include a free trial option (available for Stripe only).
  • Flexible Pricing Models: Site owners can define up to two pricing models per plan with several renewal cycles, including weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual, and one-time payment.
  • Product Combinations: Plans can offer different combinations of products, including unlimited products and specific listing templates per plan.
  • Access to Paywalled Content: Plans can grant access to paywalled content.

Additional Settings & Payment Gateways

  • Simplified Interface: The interface for managing additional settings related to payment gateways, currency, tax, and more has been simplified.
  • Paywall Functionality: The paywall functionality can be enabled on the website.

Paywalled Blog Posts

Blog posts can now be set as paywalled individually when the Paywall feature is enabled, providing more flexibility in content monetization.

Promotion Codes for Specific Plans

Promotion codes can be created and made available for specific plans, offering more targeted promotional opportunities.

New Subscriptions Page

A new page called Subscriptions has been added under the Revenue Reports section, allowing site owners to manage subscribed members more effectively.

Redesigned Checkout Process

The checkout process has been completely redesigned and simplified into three steps: user identification, checkout form, and payment confirmation. Each step’s pages are available in the Page Editor for full customization.

Updated Email Notifications

Email notifications have been updated to reflect the new approach to subscriptions and plans. Renewal reminder emails now work with subscriptions instead of individual listings, and a new notification for member sign-ups has been included.

Enhanced Modules Preview

The modules preview on the site manager has been updated:

  • Status Change: The pop-up for changing status has been replaced by a dropdown, simplifying the process.
  • Plan and Category Listing: The plan assigned to the product and its categories are now listed.

Customizable Renewal Dates

The renewal date for products is inherited from the subscription to which they are assigned, but site owners can customize it individually if needed.

Activate Products Without Subscription

Site owners can now activate products and define a renewal date even if they are not assigned to a subscription.

New Widgets for Promoting Plans

Five new widgets have been added to the Page Editor to help promote plans:

  • Single Plan Card
  • Pricing & Plans Cards
  • Pricing & Plans Cards with Custom Description
  • Pricing & Plans Cards with Topics (Type 1)
  • Pricing & Plans Cards with Topics (Type 2)

Simplified Sponsor and Profile Sections

The Sponsors and Profile sections have been consolidated into a single section called Members. This change simplifies the user experience and streamlines site management.

Updated Members Dashboard

The Members dashboard has been updated with a new user flow for signing up for plans, managing subscriptions, and adding content, enhancing the overall user experience.

eDirectory Facebook Group

What’s Changed

Plan-Based Product Charging

Site owners will no longer be able to charge for individual products. Instead, a plan should be created offering the product or a combination of products.

Popular Plans Configuration

Popular plans, previously known as levels, are now configured on a per-widget basis in the Page Editor, providing more customization options.

Category Pricing

Site owners will no longer be able to define prices for additional categories for listings. All listings can now have up to 20 categories without additional pricing.

Listing Template Pricing

Differentiated pricing for listing templates is no longer available, simplifying the pricing structure.

Discontinued Payment Gateways

Payments with 2CheckOut and PayFlow Link are no longer supported in this version.

Updated Approval Requirements

The approval requirements options in the General Settings section have been updated with new options to control how the status of products will be updated according to the subscription they belong to.

Simplified Email Configuration

The interface for configuring Administrator Email under the Email Sending configuration section has been simplified for easier management.

Removal of Feature Packages

Feature Packages, previously available under the Promotions & Packages section, are no longer available.

Removed Email Notifications

The following email notifications have been removed to streamline communication:

  • Visitor Account Create (site manager area)
  • Visitor Account Update
  • Account Activation
  • Listing Signup
  • Event Signup
  • Banner Signup
  • Classified Signup
  • Article Signup

Promotional Codes for Plans Only

Promotional codes are now applicable only to plan subscriptions and not individual products, aligning with the new subscription model.

Ready to start?

We believe these changes will greatly enhance the functionality and usability of eDirectory for both site owners and their members. Ready to experience the new eDirectory v13.5? Get a free guided demo at www.edirectory.com. Current customers, upgrade now to unlock exciting new features!

Read the changelog in full

Request your upgrade: https://www.edirectory.com/upgrade-form.php

Edirectory Free guided demo


Webinar: The eDirectory Apps

The eDirectory Apps

The suite of eDirectory apps became even more powerful. The new App was built using a Google technology named Flutter which delivers improved performance and visual consistency on different platforms.

The new technology was combined with a new design to make the eDirectory App look fresh and current. It took the eDirectory team months of research and prototyping to get to the final product: an app that’s fast and looks great on any device.

In this webinar, he will describe in detail the eDirectory App’s main features, to help you understand what it can do for your business.

These are the main new features of the eDirectory app:

  • Listing template design
  • Exclusive content
  • Stories
  • Deals
  • Banners
  • Custom home screens
  • Sliders
  • Inbox messages
  • Apple ID login

The eDirectory Native Apps

Useful links and tools mentioned in the webinar:

*We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to the tools and sites mentioned in the webinar.

This session was recorded on June 27th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at .

Edirectory Free guided demo

How to Build a Membership Website Easily With eDirectory

how to build a membership website with edirectoryhow to build a membership website

The demand for building membership websites is increasing due to their potential for recurring revenue, leading to their widespread popularity in several different niches. It’s possible to create and monetize membership websites for online education purposes, discount clubs, gaming, members only forums, workshops and more.

By definition, a membership website is an online business that provides exclusive content, services, or resources to members in return for a paid membership. These websites can cater to individuals or organizations and serve various purposes such as education or community building.

Running a successful membership site takes work, but luckily, there are some great tools out there to help you along the way (and give you access to amazing features you can use to grow your business online).

So in this article, we’ll show you exactly what a membership website is, what it does, and how you can build one (no advanced technical skills required).

Ready to explore this ultimate guide to membership websites? Let’s jump in.

What Is a Membership Website?

A membership website is a platform that offers exclusive content to members only. Usually, that content exists on the other end of a paywall.

Simply put, in exchange for signing up for the site, members can access gated content that’s not available elsewhere. Only members can access and use the information you put “behind” your membership sign-up.

Pricing for a membership site can be free, paid, or tiered. Most notably, a membership website takes advantage of the booming subscription-based model of recurring revenue.

Meaning, site owners can expect to see repeated income. Which is extra enticing since 76% of businesses now look at subscription-based pricing as a way to improve their customer relationships and retention.

how to build a membership website

Sure, numbers like this are super exciting if you’re just starting to learn how to build a membership site. However, it’s important to point out that building this kind of website is no small task. Business owners who make money online through a successful membership site put a ton of work into it.

So, let’s see how people end up making money with a successful membership site next.

How Membership Sites Make Money

It’s likely you’ve heard about people making good money from running a membership website. And you may be thinking that income is just from repeating monthly or annual fees. In reality, many successful membership sites make money using a mix of different methods.

So now you’re probably wondering…ok then, exactly how do membership sites make money?

Well, here are the main ways membership sites can earn money:

  • Membership Dues: Get recurring revenue month after month (or year after year) when people pay you to be a member of your site. This can be set up in tiers so the highest-priced plan should also include the most perks for your members.
  • Affiliate Sales: Collect revenue from sales you send to your affiliates. Insert affiliate links to partner products within your website content.
  • Paywalled Content: Paywalled content refers to restricted content accessible only to paying users. Paywalls are features on websites, apps, or digital libraries that restrict access to content unless a payment is made or a subscription is purchased. More on this later!
  • Selling Digital Products: Courses, guides, and other downloadable content that’s valuable to others can be sold on your website. You can set up an eCommerce shop or bundle these products with specific membership plans.
  • Selling Directory Listings: If you’re using a robust membership tool, you’ll have access to other revenue-generating features like online directories and classifieds. Selling these listings to advertisers and sponsors can be a fantastic way to generate income.

As you can see, there’s more than one way to make money using a membership site. And using a solid membership tool that offers features that support these revenue streams makes it much easier to tap into these different ways to generate income from your website.

WordPress Plugin vs Dedicated Membership Platform

When you’re learning how to build a membership site, you’ll see there are WordPress membership plugins that developers install and use to give normal website membership capabilities.

Some people look up how to build a membership website with WordPress and dive right in, trying to do everything at once and all by themselves. This could cost months of time setting up a DIY website and configuring a WordPress plugin. After it’s up and running, many people realize they simply don’t have the time or energy it takes to continue to build every feature their membership site needs.

For the average business owner, installing, setting up, and maintaining a made-from-scratch website plus a membership plugin can be very time-consuming and not beginner-friendly.

For those who plan their membership site, use a dedicated membership site tool like eDirectory, and stay committed, the possibilities for growth can be remarkable. This dedicated membership site platform offers everything you need to launch and grow a successful membership and online directory website with members-only access, banner advertisements, online recurring payments, and more.

If you’re serious about setting up a successful membership site and looking for a one-stop solution, a dedicated membership tool is the way to go.

So now that you know why people prefer dedicated membership tools over DIY solutions like WordPress membership plugins, let’s cover exactly how to build a membership website.

Members Only Deals

How to Build a Membership Website

When you’re ready to make your own membership website, follow these easy steps to get it up and running in no time.

1. Determine Your niche

When you’re first learning how to create a membership program, it can feel overwhelming. Luckily, this step is not only fun, but it will also help clear a path for where your website is headed.

The very first thing you’ll want to do to build a membership website is to pick your niche.

You may already have an online presence that you want to monetize, like a blog or podcast. In that case, you’ve already carved out your niche.

If not, some great membership website ideas can include (but are not limited to):

  • Niche online business directories.
  • Specialized gated content like stock photos, how-to’s, recipes, etc.
  • Local classified listings.
  • Event calendars for specific interests and groups.
  • Savings clubs (deals & offers).
  • Chambers of Commerce.
  • Churches and parishes communities.
  • Pet-friendly guides.
  • Children and Parents Association.
  • Courses and educational content.
  • Video on demand.

…and a lot more.

So, what do you know a lot about? What are you passionate about? The answers to these questions can help inspire ideas for your membership website.

Start Your Online Directory2. Choose the Right Membership Tool

Next up, you’ll want to sign up for eDirectory. Using a dedicated membership tool is the best way to easily build and manage your website (plus access features that let you generate additional income.)

eDirectory offers features tailored to membership websites where you, as the site owner, can offer advantages for your listing sponsors

And unlike a WordPress membership site, eDirectory is a cloud solution that provides everything you need to build a raving online community (and without all the hassle).

After you’ve got your membership tool up and running, you’ll want to set up your payment gateways.

3. Set Up Payment Methods

Accepting secure credit card and PayPal payments over your website is a must for a successful membership site. Plus, you need a way to get paid.

So, the next step to setting up your membership website is to configure your payment methods. You’ll have many payment service provider options to choose from.

If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to set up an account with your preferred payment solution. Then, you can connect your account through your membership website.

Head to Settings > Products & Plans > Additional settings & payment gateways

eDirectory Payment Gateways


Once you’ve connected your payment provider(s) details, you’ll be ready to set up and customize each membership level you offer.

4. Build Your Membership Levels

The next thing you need to do is determine the cost and features of each one of your membership levels.

Not sure what to charge? We recommended starting with a free membership level with some features included. Free members get to use your software and are a great place to find paying customers since they’re already familiar with your brand and software.

After your free level is set up, you’ll need to decide what you’ll include with each one of your paid membership levels.

You can offer different features within:

  • Listings
  • Events
  • Classifieds
  • Banners
  • Articles


eDirectory Product Mgmt

Just remember to save the most impactful features for your highest plan so people will want to sign up.

Now it’s time to bundle your products in a killer offer, for example: combining 1 top-tier-level listing plus banners and classifieds, or just one simple listing combined with access to paywalled content. Combine and create plans any way you want, also, with different paying options such as weekly, monthly, semiannual, annual, and one-time payment, a very requested feature from our user base that’s very useful for Events, for example.

eDirectory Plans

To display all these options to your sponsors with ease eDirectory comes with new widgets specifically designed to showcase the options created in the site manager. This is excellent to drive users through the advertise with us page and increase your chances of conversion.

Cards widget Plans

Setup your Paywall

As mentioned above, paywalled content serves as a strategic tool for boosting membership websites by offering exclusive, high-quality material that is accessible only to paying subscribers. This model can effectively attract users by creating a perception of value and exclusivity around the content. To attract potential members, websites often provide teasers or previews of the paywalled content, showcasing the depth and quality of the material they can expect.

Additionally, leveraging social proof, such as testimonials from existing members and highlighting the benefits of the subscription, can further enhance the appeal. Offering limited-time discounts or trial periods can also be an effective strategy to convert curious visitors into committed subscribers.

To access the paywall feature, first head to the Products & Plans options under the settings menu. There, remember to set up your products first, selecting the levels and features contained in each plan. Later, go to the next section Products & Plans, Plans where you will have access to all the products you’ve created so far.

Paywall toggle

To create a plan, click on the edit button and put together a bundle that includes listings, banners, articles, classifieds, and events. You can easily activate or deactivate the paywall by toggling the switch. When activated, only members will be able to view the content, encouraging visitors to sign up on your online directory website.

This is how it will appear to users when an article, deal, offer, or listing is posted on your membership website:

Paywall Content Front

5. Populate Your Listings

Now that your membership plans are built, it’s time to populate your directory listings. This is an important step because you’ll want to show leads what they can expect when they sign up as a member with you. That’s nearly impossible to do if you can’t visually explain it.

So, you’ll need to create some listings, by hand or by importing them.

During this step, you’ll want to customize your listing layout to match your membership website. There are many configuration options, so pick the one you like the most and keep populating your listings.

6. Create Members-Only Content 

The next step to build a membership website is to create members-only content. The psychological phenomenon known as FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) can really drive sales, so locking gated content behind a paywall can be a great business decision.

This can look different for everyone since no one membership website is the same.

You may be an expert at succulent care and have tons of helpful guides already published. Compiling this content into an organized course or workbook is a great way to source members-only content for your website.


If you don’t already have a blog, or if it aligns better with your business model, these are some popular ways to create some members-only content:

  • Business Directory: From local business directories to niche hobbyist groups, people are willing to pay to access listings specific to what they’re interested in. 
  • Classified Ads: If you’re using classifieds on your site, only letting paid members post ads is a great way to earn new recurring subscriptions. Just make sure to populate your ads just like you’ve populated your listings in the previous step.
  • Event Calendar: Only allow members to post to a public event calendar. Alternatively, set it up so only members can view the events.
  • Offer Services: Access to coaching calls, pre-recorded webinars, or courses.
  • Offer Goods: Creatives can give members access to things like custom social media graphic templates or stylized stock images.

…and anything else you can think of that may have value to someone. But to start, these are excellent sources of members-only content you can create quickly and easily.

7. Promote Your Membership Site

Next, you need to promote and market your membership website.

This is an extremely important step because, after all that hard work, you want to make sure people are coming to your website.

Head to the Blog Module in eDirectory and start writing posts around keywords related to your membership website and your intended audience. Find out your ideal customer, what they need, and how they search for it.

how to build a membership website

The easy-to-use and SEO-optimized Blog Module lets you create, monitor, and optimize your content in just a few clicks.

And if you’re planning on making money through affiliate sales, you’ll also find an option to seamlessly insert your links within your content.

On top of SEO blogging, you might also want to consider these popular website promotion methods:

  • Pay-per-Click Advertising (PPC): Pay for Google Ads advertising on specific, related keywords.
  • Take Advantage of Social: Create (and stick to) a social media posting schedule.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list by collecting addresses on your site then promoting to those leads (great for returning traffic and high conversions).
  • Word of Mouth: In this digital world, website owners often forget how impactful telling other people about your membership site can be. This is especially important for online communities that are locally based, like a business directory.

There are a lot of ways to promote your membership site, but these are all very popular places to start. For more, make sure to head over to our article on how to market an online directory where we’ve laid out some detailed tips for powerful website promotion.

8. Keep Improving Your Membership Site

For any business to succeed, you’ll need to make sure to continually improve. If you notice something isn’t working right on your site, jump in and fix it. If you get feedback from an advertiser about a feature request, see if you can provide it. Make the customer experience pleasant and you’ll likely see members who stay subscribed for the long haul.

how to build a membership website

The great thing about easy-to-use membership website platforms is that whenever you see an area for improvement, you can jump right into your site and change it. And if you’re not sure how, reach out to us for help.

With eDirectory, you get access to a helpful support team ready to help you make your membership website a success.

Create a Membership Site with eDirectory 

Now that you know how to build a membership website, your next step is to launch yours using eDirectory. This feature-rich tool lets you build and manage a customized membership directory to meet your business goals and drive growth.

With eDirectory, your membership site can:

    • Collect Member Dues: Generate recurring revenue from membership fees.
    • Let Members Login: Display an easy-to-use login area for your members to access and manage their own account information.
    • Sell Listings: Allow people and/or businesses to create listings, and automatically turn them into member profiles.
    • Featured Listings: Sell featured directory spots with a repeating revenue model.
    • Integrate with Social Media: Display your Twitter feed on your website, plus encourage members to share your brand across popular social platforms.
    • Use Classified Ads: Offer your members different capabilities inside of classified listings based on membership levels, driving sales to your higher plans.
    • Social Media Integration: Connect with social media platforms for more exposure with social sharing links and a website Twitter feed.
    • Grow with Content: Access the Blog Module to create and manage SEO-optimized content that brings you the right kind of traffic.
    • Earn Money from Ads: Easily Insert Google Ads into banner space on your site or even sell the space to members with a powerful Banner Ad System.
    • List Events: Encourage a sense of community among members by letting them create recurring or one-time event listings, complete with a Google Maps integration.
      …and more.

So if you want to build a successful membership website that’s easy to manage and gives you access to the power of online directories, eDirectory is a fantastic choice.

Asking yourself how can you create a membership website for free? Don’t wait, sign up for a free eDirectory demo today.

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Webinar: How to Pitch your Online Directory

How to Pitch your Online Directory

In today’s digital landscape, building and monetizing directory-based websites can be highly lucrative. At eDirectory, we provide a SaaS platform to create such sites, complete with listings and classifieds. However, attracting sponsors to your directory is crucial for generating revenue. Here’s a detailed guide on how to pitch your online directory effectively.

1. The Sales Process

Understanding the sales process is the foundation of a successful pitch. The typical process involves several stages:

Awareness: First, make potential sponsors aware of your directory. This can be achieved through advertising, social media, and content marketing.

Engagement: Once aware, engage potential sponsors by showcasing the value and benefits of being listed in your directory. Use targeted communication and personalized content to pique their interest.

Client: Convert engaged prospects into clients by offering attractive listing options, including free and paid plans.

Advocate: Finally, turn satisfied clients into advocates who can provide testimonials and refer other businesses to your directory.

2. Thinking About Your Pitch – What Are You Trying to Achieve?

Your pitch will likely involve a multi-step process. Here’s how you can structure it:

  • Free Listing: Start by offering a free listing to attract sponsors. This lowers the entry barrier and allows them to experience the benefits of your directory.
  • Engagement with Visitors & Featured Content: Once listed, encourage sponsors to engage with visitors through featured content and special promotions. Highlight success stories and data on visitor interactions.
  • Upgrade to Paid Plan: Finally, present the advantages of upgrading to a paid plan, such as increased visibility, enhanced features, and premium support.

3. Identify Your Pitch Targets

Tailoring your pitch to the right audience is crucial. Here are some customer personas to consider:

  • Large Corporate: Emphasize wide reach and brand exposure.
  • Franchisee: Highlight localized visibility and community engagement.
  • Small Business: Focus on affordability and targeted marketing.
  • Individual Practitioner: Offer personal branding and niche market access.
  • Technical Audience or Marketing Manager: Showcase advanced features, analytics, and ROI potential.

4. How Do You Get Through?

Selecting the right communication channel is key. Consider a mix of the following:

  • Calling: Direct and personal, ideal for establishing initial contact.
  • Email: Suitable for detailed information and follow-ups.
  • SMS Text or WhatsApp Messaging: Quick and convenient, good for reminders and updates.
  • Social Media Messaging: Effective for connecting with modern, tech-savvy businesses.
  • Events: Network and pitch at industry-specific events and conferences.
  • In-Person Visits: Build strong relationships with local businesses.

Webinar: How to Pitch your Online Directory

5. Understand the Value You Are Providing

Clearly communicate the benefits sponsors will receive:

  • Responding to Reviews: Enable sponsors to engage with customer feedback.
  • Seal of Approval: Offer badges or “Best of” lists to enhance credibility.
  • Visibility and Credibility: Assured increased online visibility and strengthened market position.

6. Remember to Use Testimonials

Anecdotal customer stories can make your message resonate more deeply. Collect and showcase testimonials from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility.

7. Write Your Pitch, Customized for Personas and Channels

Create a tailored pitch for each persona and communication channel:

  • Build their listing as part of the sales process. Include a link for them to claim their listing within the pitch.

8. Specific Sales Pitch Tactics

Go beyond the generic “be part of our directory” message. Here are some specific tactics:

  • Offer exclusive insights: Provide data and trends relevant to their industry.
  • Demonstrate ROI: Show potential returns and benefits through case studies.
  • Highlight unique features: Emphasize features like advanced analytics, customizable listings, and premium support.

9. Access to See and Respond to Reviews

Allow sponsors to monitor and respond to customer reviews. This feature can help them improve their service and build a positive online reputation.

10. Time-Based Industry Category Report / Survey

Conduct and share industry-specific reports. For example, a “2024 Report on Florida Fishing Charters Daily Rates and Packages” can attract sponsors by providing valuable insights.

11. Sign Up to Receive Business Tips

Offer subscriptions to newsletters featuring:

  • Industry-specific tips: Provide actionable advice tailored to their market.
  • Marketing tips: Share strategies for handling negative reviews and improving online presence.
  • Resource packages: Include templates, guides, and other resources to aid their business growth.

Conclusion: Refine Your Pitch & Be Persistent

Crafting the perfect pitch takes time and effort. Continuously refine your approach based on feedback and results. Persistence is key – keep engaging potential sponsors and adjusting your strategy to achieve success.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively pitch your online directory and attract valuable sponsors, ensuring the growth and profitability of your business.

Download the material discussed in the webinar:

This session was recorded on Jun 12th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at marketing@eDirectory.com and don’t forget to join our Facebook group.

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Webinar: The Online Directory Business Model

The Online Directory Business Model

If you are considering starting an internet business but you are not sure if an online directory is a viable option for you, we’ve prepared a presentation to explain the do’s and don’ts of this tried and tested approach on understanding the online directory business model.

The purpose of online business directories is to assist people in making informed purchases. For example, a guide for restaurants in a certain region, or a wedding business-related online directory with suppliers, locations, service providers, or any other niche you could think of.

This type of website has been in use since the nineties, if you think of well-known listings-based websites such as Craigslist or Yelp, you are talking about online business directories. These types of websites take their value propositions from two main factors: offering curated content in the form of listings of products or services, articles, or events for their audience while taking advantage of user-generated content in the form of reviews.

As the online business directory website gains more and more traction in search engines like Google, it is likely that more sponsors will join the website and more users will consume products and services. This is a vital part of the monetization methods where the online directory owner can offer banner ad spaces, membership levels, and other ways of making the website profitable.

So stay tuned and join us for this week’s presentation, also, don’t forget to check the related material listed below.

Webinar: The Online Directory Business Model


*We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to the tools and sites mentioned in the webinar.

This session was recorded on May 29th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at .

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Webinar: Benefits of Creating a Niche Directory

 Benefits of Creating a Niche Directory

Building a niche directory can prove to be a very profitable venture indeed! With dedicated focus, a niche website is easier to launch and quick to attract paying advertisers, build community members and become profitable faster than other types of directories.

A niche website can be based on a specific subject, industry or region. The secret behind this business model is knowledge of your niche and an understanding of your target advertisers and readers. Your website content needs to be viewed as useful to attract readership and your advertising plans need to create a solution to a perceived problem or challenge your advertisers may be facing.

Webinar: Benefits of Creating a Niche Directory

Niche Directory Market Size

Rather than casting a huge national or global net trying to encompass anyone and everyone, niche websites allow you to focus your energies on one particular market and subject and do it well!

  • Start out small – walk before you run and allow yourself to make your mistakes when you’re small so that you can get organized for success as you eventually grow
  • Focus on a smaller market that will give you more precise targeting options and better chances to achieve greater ROI on your investments
  • Create important partnerships early on that will create more opportunities down the road

Niche Directory Identity

It’s very difficult to be all things to all people. Honing in on your brand voice and identity unique to your niche is key early on.

  • Position yourself as an expert here becoming a key resource to a select group
  • Once your identity has been realized, this will help make generating content more consistent
  • Building on authority breeds trust which will help with growing your credibility

Niche Directory Location

If you can, start in one specific location or region and then begin to expand your reach once you have a good handle on your new business and better understand the needs of your community.

  • Master your back yard first – prove the concept where it is easiest to relate, travel, or be more proactive
  • Niche prospects will be in a more definable location across the web as well, as subscribers and consumers of industry or trade publications, geographic areas, or online groups or communities are in one “place” since it is a niche, it is easier to get yourself noticed

By building a niche directory website, you become a one-stop shop for bringing your community together and growing your online directory revenue goals. Focus on adding value, curating your niche community, and listening to their feedback as it will help you reach your goals more quickly.

*We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to the tools and sites mentioned in the webinar.

This session was recorded on May 15th, 2024.

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Webinar: Essential Paid Media Strategies for Online Directories

Essential Paid Media Strategies

Online directories play a crucial role in connecting businesses with potential customers. However, with so many directories available online, it can be challenging to get noticed. Paid media strategies are a great way to increase visibility and drive traffic to your directory. In this article, we’ll explore the essential paid media strategies for online directories to help you achieve your goals.

One of the biggest challenges of online advertising is reaching the right audience. With the right targeting techniques, you can ensure that your advertisements reach the people who are most likely to use your directory. There are several targeting options available to you, including demographic targeting, geographic targeting, and interest-based targeting.

  • Demographic targeting: This involves targeting specific age ranges, genders, locations, and more.
  • Interest targeting: This allows you to target users based on their interests, such as specific industries or topics.
  • Behavioral targeting: This targets users based on their previous online behaviors, such as searches, website visits, and purchases.

Once you’ve established your targeting strategy, the next step is to optimize your budget to ensure that you get the most out of your advertising spend. There are several factors to consider, including the cost per click, the cost per impression, and the overall budget.

In this week’s webinar, the eDirectory team will help you to figure out the first steps on your journey to paid media strategies for online directories.

Webinar: Essential Paid Media Strategies for Online Directories


*We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to the tools and sites mentioned in the webinar.

This session was recorded on April 19th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at .

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Webinar: Mastering the Listing Template Editor

Mastering the Listing Template Editor

The Listing Template Editor is one of the most powerful features of eDirectory. With it, you can create or edit listing models for any type of niche or scenario you might need, adapting the widgets with the visual editor, adding or removing them easily but also creating custom fields that will make your listings tailored to your sponsors.

The Listing Template Editor resources

  • Where you’ll build the Listing Detail Page
  • Drag & Drop visual editor
  • Use one template for all listings
  • Create templates for individual categories
  • Create custom fields
  • Adjust/Modify design

eDirectory Listing Template editor

Remember: content is (still) king

The most effective (tried and true) method to keep users coming back to a website is by having great quality content. Avoid spreading content too thin on your online directory and aim for very detailed descriptions with current data and depth of content, with rich images and videos whenever possible.

Go for the basics, following the instructions mentioned above and try offering unique data that users won’t find on other sites, this creates a need that only your online directory will fulfill.

Lastly, this is one of the most time-consuming tasks when creating an online directory, and it is exactly when the Listing Template Editor comes in handy. Once everything is set up, it will speed up the process of sponsors posting content on your website.

Webinar: Mastering the Listing Template Editor


This session was recorded on April 05th, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at .

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Webinar: Get your Online Directory Off The Ground

Get your Online Directory Off The Ground

The online directory business model is out there for decades and, still, getting started might be one of the hardest and most time-consuming steps. Taking that into consideration, the eDirectory team gathers to show you the basic (and most important) steps to get your online directory off the ground.

We discussed the preparation stage where the site owner must focus on creating good content for his target audience, setting up the website properly using eDirectory’s Control Panel, configuring Google and payment gateway integrations, and designing the website with the drag-and-drop page editor.

The directory owner must take the time to fill up the classifieds and listings with great images, using the SEO fields, and create an engaging description. Focus on what the users want and study the keywords of your niche to meet the search queries of search engine websites like Google.

Next, get to work on the design of your online directory using eDirectory’s built-in features and widgets. It’s very easy to make your website look like you have envisioned, using resources such as Featured Categories, Geo Location, Lead gen tools such as newsletters, and, of course, the eDirectory App. Remember, the home page of your online directory might be the first touchpoint your visitors and future paying subscribers

Prepare the pricing page with every tier and feature offered through every level. Make it as clear as possible and test the entire checkout flow, also, it is always a good strategy to offer free trials, with limited features so your visitors can try your platform before deciding to subscribe.

Watch now: Get your Online Directory Off The Ground


*We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to the tools and sites mentioned in the webinar.

This session was recorded on March 21st, 2024.

Want more tips? Shoot us a note at .

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